Milward L. Simpson
Football, Basketball, Baseball, 1917-21

Milward Simpson was one of the greatest homegrown athletes in Wyoming history. As a three-sport star at Wyoming, Simpson was regarded as one of the best athletes in the Rocky Mountains prior to World War II. He has the distinction of being the only athlete in UW history to captain the football, basketball, and baseball teams. He was a Kodak All-America Football Player in 1920 as a halfback. He was Wyoming’s leading scorer on the 1918 basketball team, averaging 11.6 points per game. Simpson was also a star on the baseball diamond, where he had offers to play Major League Baseball but declined opting for the prestigious Harvard Law School. Simpson became one of the University’s most distinguished alumni, serving as President of the UW Trustees, Governor of Wyoming from 1954-58, and United States Senator for Wyoming, 1962-67. Simpson’s devotion to the youth of Wyoming was a lifelong passion. The award for the outstanding high school athlete in the state bears his name. Inducted October 18, 1996 Honors and Awards